Concrete St. Frances Statue, 40" high, 150 pounds
Concrete Angel 3' high, 150 pounds
Ivy Leaf Angel Concrete Statue: Rainbow Color, 13" high
Kneeling Angel Concrete Statue: Rainbow Color, 13" high
Baby on Vase Concrete Statue: Natural, 21" high, 80 pounds
Baby on Vase Concrete Statue: Antique, 21" high, 80 pounds
Courtship Kids Concrete Statue: Antique, 21" high
Bashful Betty Concrete Statue: Antique, 21" high
Baby Bo Concrete Statue, 16" high
Skipper Boy Concrete Statue, also sits on fountain bowl: Antique, 16" high
Concrete Baby Angel Basket, 13" high by 12" wide, 65 pounds
Concrete Baby Angel Basket: blue or pink blankets and colored flowers
Garden Fairy Concrete Statue, 13" high
Fairy on Stone Concrete Statue: Rainbow Color, 14" high
Fairy with Ball Concrete Statue
Welcome Fairy Concrete Statue: Rainbow Color, 20" high, 58 pounds